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BAKAOS / Barbara Kaad Ostenfeld
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BAKAOS / Barbara Kaad Ostenfeld

Art for peace

BAKAOS' colorful philosophical works of life include that we must care for each other and accept, embrace and make room for each other's differences. That it is our differences such as appearance, ethnicity, culture, abilities, thoughts and sexuality etc. that makes the world an exciting place to be and that allows us to do more together. When we accept and embrace each other's differences, we contribute to peace, globally, nationally and locally. Both inner and outer peace.

BAKAOS illustrates this diversity through different beings who wrap themselves in each other and who together create balance in the world - and not least in the art work itself. The care depicts BAKAOS through motifs where the big one takes care of the small one.

BAKAOS never received instruction in art, techniques or color theory. One can put a canvas in front of her and then she starts working within 10-20 seconds. She works intuitively with great empathy and spiritual presence.

In 2021, BAKAOS was awarded an honorary prize / silver medal, from the French association ASL, est. in Paris in 1915, (ARTS SCIENCES LETTRES) honoring and recognizing people who work in the fields of art, science and words.

BAKAOS, with the birth name Barbara Kaad Ostenfeld, comes from Værløse, where you can visit her studio by appointment.

Vær den første til at se BAKAOS / Barbara Kaad Ostenfeld's nye kunstværker

Mine værker

Diversitet af BAKAOS / Barbara Kaad Ostenfeld
100⨯70 cm (H⨯W)
14.000 DKK
Forskelligheder Skaber Harmoni af BAKAOS / Barbara Kaad Ostenfeld
80⨯80 cm (H⨯W)
12.000 DKK
Rummelighed af BAKAOS / Barbara Kaad Ostenfeld
100⨯70 cm (H⨯W)
14.000 DKK
Sammenhold af BAKAOS / Barbara Kaad Ostenfeld
60⨯60 cm (H⨯W)
6.500 DKK
Forskelligheder Skaber Balance af BAKAOS / Barbara Kaad Ostenfeld
80⨯60 cm (H⨯W)
10.000 DKK
UniversiTastisk Nærvær af BAKAOS / Barbara Kaad Ostenfeld
50⨯60 cm (H⨯W)
6.500 DKK
En Moders Omsorg af BAKAOS / Barbara Kaad Ostenfeld
50⨯70 cm (H⨯W)
7.500 DKK
En Moders Omsorg af BAKAOS / Barbara Kaad Ostenfeld
60⨯70 cm (H⨯W)
7.000 DKK
Den Lille Prins af BAKAOS / Barbara Kaad Ostenfeld
40⨯30 cm (H⨯W)
4.000 DKK
Fyrtøjet af BAKAOS / Barbara Kaad Ostenfeld
40⨯30 cm (H⨯W)
5.000 DKK
Forbundet af BAKAOS / Barbara Kaad Ostenfeld
50⨯50 cm (H⨯W)
5.500 DKK
VITA fra værket: Circle of Life (et 'vokseværk') af BAKAOS / Barbara Kaad Ostenfeld
185⨯50 cm (H⨯W)
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Udstillings Datoer


Se bakaos.dk

Museer - Kunstmesser - Gallerier - Censurerede Udstilllinger
Paamiut Museum (Grønland), Quequertarsuaq Museum (Grønland), Maniitsoq Museum (Grønland) - Art Shopping Paris - Art Nordic - Nørhalne Viser Kunst - Kunst for Alle - Hillerød Kunstdage - Kvinder & Kunst - Æglageret - Paris Rådhus 8. distrikt - UNESCO Paris - Det Russiske Handelskammer i Frankrig/ Paris - Arts Mantevillois (Frankrig) - Bruuns Atelier - FRB_KUNST (Frederiksberg Censurerede Efterårsudstilling), HCA-Festival i Odense (ODEON), Den Internationale Skulpturbiennale i Agger, Galleri 3 G - Æglageret - Galleri Tornby - MANIFEST - Palast Galerie, Berlin - Galleri Svanen - Balkongalleriet i Odder - Galerie du vert Galant, Paris

Kunstforeninger, Kulturhus og Rådhuse:
Deloitte - Wexøe - Fyns Politi - BASF - Kennedy Centret - Annaborg i Hillerød - Farum Kulturhus - Taastrup Kulturcenter - Taastrup Kunstforening - FrederiksbergCentret - Ansgar Kirken Hedehusene - International Action Art (virtuel udstilling) - KU.BE. - Frederiksberg Rådhus - Egedal Rådhus - Roskilde Rådhus - Furesø Rådhus - Filosoffen Odense - Furesøbadet - 'La PANDEMIE: RÉVELATONS - Exposition Internationale Virtuelle 3D med FRANCE-CHINE Art EXP - Telefonfabrikken /Gladsaxe Kulturhus, Stenløse Kulturhus.

FrederiksbergCentret - Åbent Atelier Høje Taastrup - Kunstrunden Nordsjælland - Åbent Atelier Næstved - Åbne Atelierdøre Gladsaxe - Den Europæiske Filmhøjskole - Kildemarked i Tisvilde m.m.  - - Farum Kulturhus - Kunstbiblioteket, Helsinge - Kunstmarkedet Kildemarked, Tisvilde - Boligdage i Kiel - Boligdage i Farum - Boligdage Greve - Diverse Kunstforeninger og virksomheder.

For yderligere oplysninger om udstillinger henvises til www.bakaos.dk eller Facebook: www.facebook.com/artbybakaos

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